Day Star Rising

In Scripture there are many hidden prophecies. Most of the hidden prophecies are not end time judgement prophecies as those are clearly stated. For the most part the largest discussions and differences in end times teaching is timing and some small details. The hidden prophecies are for those who are seeking the hidden treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven. The hidden treasures of the Kingdom are greater than gold and silver and are only revealed by the Holy Spirit as He see fit.

Jesus is called the Bright and Morning Star.
In the Greek the morning star and the day star are the same. I needed to make that clear to eliminate any confusion and to bring a point together.

In 2 Peter 1:19 the Apostle tells us; we have also a more sure word of prophecy; where unto you do well that you take heed, as unto a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star raise in your hearts. In Revelation 22:16, Jesus (Yehoshua) declares Himself to be the bright and morning star.

This blog is called Day Star Rising because I want to explore the hidden nuggets of treasure that is hidden in the above scripture and Jesus’ statement referring to Himself as the Bright and Morning Star. We will cover many areas but it is all for the purpose of discovering a deeper and fuller understanding of the day star message of this last day.

I would like to encourage all who follow this blog to obtain a copy of the my book, “Sons of God: The Authority of the Believer and The Church”. I know it will bless and increase you as you journey on your way to a deeper, richer relationship with Yehoshua.

For more information about me personally see the about page.