God Will Fulfill His Purposes


Here I am at 11:07 on this evening the SCOTUS rejected to hear the Texas, alone with eighteen other states, suit to rectify the corrupt filled election.

It has shaken me to the bone, but it is a good shaking as all my hope in man is gone, even the small crumbs that was left in me.

This shaking is not a crisis in faith, but what could have been a devastating blow to my spirit was a boost in the level of Faith in what God is doing, as well as, it has stirred the prophetic spirit in me to look deep, for God has some heavy things to say

God will fulfill His purposes, He is not dependent on the SCOTUS or any other. But He moves through men and will have His faithful in the right place at the right time.

As I have written before, this is a time of separation.  God is calling His own to Himself.  No, not the rapture, not yet.  This is a time of separation from the love of this world, a defining for the body of Christ.

I find it’s not joyful or amusing that the Spirit of God brought up into my heart and thoughts of Revelation 3:16. 

Could we be in that moment when Jesus, because of the lukewarm nature of His Church, spews her out of His mouth?

This spewing is not like just spitting water out of the mouth, but the Greek work “em-eh’-o”, means to vomit.

This is not something we think on often enough.  If the scripture is indeed prophetic, as many believe, then there must be a fulfilling of the scripture.  The letter is to the Church, so this spewing must come before the rapture.

I know many will not receive this idea of Jesus, because of their misguided idea of who God is.  The modern idea of grace does not allow God to judge justly before the tribulation, but here we are.

Why does Jesus vomit?  Because of a self-loving, self-centered church who believes God exist to bless and give all we can lust for.

I am not here to declare who goes to Heaven and who does not.  While many will point to the thief on the cross to declare the mercy of God, it is certainly a good view of His goodness, but the thief had a change of heart before His dying.

Have you ever stopped and given serious thought about what it means when Jesus says; “if any man comes after me to be my disciple, he must first deny self and take up is own cross and follow me?

Tonight, the Spirit of the Lord asked me; Who is prepared?  Who can lead?  If I (GOD) clean Washington top to bottom, where are the righteous to lead.  Where are those willing to give their lives for a righteous cause?

We have not only asked God to deliver, we will need him to replace every corrupt politician and bureaucrat with someone who has the backbone and guts to lead in righteousness.  Where are they? Who will build the wall?  Many are called to pray, that’s wonderful, but where are those who will go to war for the a righteous cause.

In every battle of Israel and Judea, when God brought great miraculous deliverance, men were still ready for battle, and most time had to go out to meet the enemy.  Never did He send the armies fleeing without someone going out to the enemy. Even when He only had a few lepers available to venture into the enemy’s camp for crumbs of bread, God had someone who would be willing to lay down their lives.

To deny self, means that you know longer live for self.  Does that mean God bands someone from going to Heaven if they are satisfied to dance around the door and not go into a full experience.  No!  But those who choose to stay at the door, cannot enter into the fullness of the kingdom of Heaven in the earth. 

We have been taught for way to long our salvation experience is for blessing and going to church (thank God for church) then Heaven when we die.  Where are the calls to service, except to build our own little congregations?  Where are the calls for those to serve to bring transformation to our communities?

Entering into the fullness of the Kingdom is reserved for those who give up their own lives to follow Jesus.  Those who take up their cross to follow Jesus are the one who qualify for the greater blessing.

Concerning what so many have been praying about the election.  Who is ready to lay down their lives to stand for the righteousness God desires to shine forth from this Nation?  Who is willing to shout from the roof top?  Who is ready to give of themselves for the greater good?  Who is ready to reject the “me and mine” mentality and join with others to see God transform this Nation?

OH!  I can hear the scared misguided church leaders now.  The election and politics is the world’s business not kingdom business.  Nonsense, when scripture speaks of the “kingdom of God or the kingdom of Heaven, in the earth, God is not calling the Church sit and wait for the rapture or to build forts and represent Him from behind the walls.  “Kingdom” in scripture, as in Kingdom of Heaven,” is the Greek word basileia.  It means; “royal power, kingship, dominion, the ability to rule. Not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over the kingdom.”

We are not here to build Heaven on earth, but in, business, government, education, entertainment, media, as well as family and religion, every place we are sent by God, we are to go in the authority of the royalty of the Kingdom, to represent the Kingship of Jesus Christ and make disciples of every nation where we go. 

We have too long believed, because we have said a prayer, we have authority.  The authority of Jesus only truly comes to those who have given their lives for the Master.  The reason why so many of our decreases go fulfilled is because many who decree them have mixed motives.

I have written and spoken about this in the past, but tonight the Spirit in me is screaming.  Separation is coming.  The shaking is not done, but God is calling a people who will lay down their lives for Him.  He will raise up their mortal bodies by the same glory He raised Christ.

The best is just a head.  Do not become discouraged.  Faith, hope and love will get us to the time when the day star rises in our hearts.

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