What Have We Seen?

A prophetic word given May 21, 2020.
What have we seen? What have we done? Have we stood as a testament to the faithfulness of God Almighty? He who has empowered us to be, and claims us as sons and daughters, as we in turn call Him our Abba Father, Savior, our God, Lord of all?

He tells us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not to our own understanding. Prov. 3:5  We respond by saying, but you must use common sense.

What have we done? We have shown the world we hold to nothing more than they. We cry Jesus saves, heals and delivers but we run and huddle with the fearful masses. We are ruled by the wisdom of men and not that which God has given.  Fear has empowered us to run instead of faith giving strength to stand.  Our faith is in the words of man; this is what we stand behind.  We strike with the words of man, not the Word of God.  We listen to man when he says; believe what I believe, do what I do or you will surely die and we mock the words of Jesus as He speaks to us: “whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die.  Do you believe this?” Jn. 11:26  These are the words of life.

Now hear what the Spirit of God has to say. Never has a man yet entered into the fullness of what God has provided in Christ Jesus.  He has given to us all things. The very fullness of Jesus Christ has been given to all who call on the name of the Lord.  But not yet has one found the limits of the provision of the Lord. Not yet has one displayed the full measure of Jesus Christ in the earth. 

The Lord has clothed His church in royalty and the glory that the Father gave to the Son, He gives to us.  Yet, a mass exposure of nakedness and fear has been displayed as fear has over taken many.  We have been exposed to the world.  They say what difference is there between you and us?

The Lord has given all things that pertain to life and godliness and has called each one in Christ to glory and virtue.  Yet the church of the living God huddles in fear like a common man.  Why is it so? 

The Lord God has not called His church to operate in or to be entangled with the world.  Oh how are you ensnared by the world says the Lord.  Did not your God say to come out?  Why then are so many bound to the whims of the world.  How will you be free?  You cannot except you set your eyes on the Lord your God and hear from Heaven.  You can not be different and be the same.  You cannot please the world and please the Lord.   Did not the Lord say come out?  Is it not written; be separate says the Lord?  

Who has chased after the Lord? Who has given all and who has forsaken this world?  If there were one, you would say, look there, what an oddity.  Did the Lord not sit John in the wilderness?  Was he dressed with the finest clothes? No! Yet My Spirit filled his heart and My word filled his mouth and it was he who was honored to baptize your Savior and Lord.

Tell Me how have you separated yourself from the world: what weight have you thrown off that you may run after your God? 

What?  Do you think you are waiting for the Lord?  Why do you think simple thoughts?  Has the Lord not said to follow Me?  Has not the Lord said, to come after me to be my disciple you must first deny yourself and take up your cross and follow me?  Does not my word instruct and declare to draw close to Me and I will draw close to you.  Why do you fear?  Did I not say, submit yourself unto the Lord, resist the devil and he will flee from you?  Your fear is a testimony against you.  It testifies that you have not submitted and it declares against you that your love is not yet perfected. Now run to the Lord and He will heal you and deliver you from the power of darkness.

There is a plan.  Let all the apostles, let all the prophets, let all the evangelist, let all the pastors, let all the teachers and let all the people be silent and seek the face of God.  The Lord surely has a plan and it has many faces and will be carried out in many ways.  Turn from fear and set your face toward Heaven and I will speak my plan into your hearts.  There is only one hero, only one master who will lead.  You have no authority at all except you receive it from the Lord. 

STOP! Stop your clamoring for the rapture.  That day will not come until My church has come into the full glory that I have set forth in My word.  Not one word will go unfulfilled.  Be bold, be fearless, see what great things the Lord has set forth in His word.

There is a thing the Lord has declared and it will come to past before the end of things.  My church will come to the unity of the faith and full discernment of the Son of God, unto a complete man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.  Even as Jesus prayed for oneness, so shall there be.   You will never understand and live in your identity until you understand this.

Now is the time to turn from fear and turn to your God.  Now is the time to release the old and set forth a vision for the new. The latter will be greater than the former and the Church of the living Christ will shine forth like the sun and the world will know that Jesus Christ is Lord.  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Charles McPherson 5/21/2020

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